The Sound that heals

Pubblicato da il 27 agosto 2014


If you place a metal or glass pipe above a flame, you will hear a sound. How can the flame produce a sound? It comes from the vibrations of the air, which is heated by the flame. And depending on the length of the pipe, the sound emitted is lower or higher.

Well, by analogy, we can say that the same phenomenon exists in man. Man is made of pipes: the spinal cord, throat, esophagus, intestines, arteries, veins, nerve endings, etc. And again these pipes can be longer or shorter. When the flame that burns within him – meaning the fire that keeps him alive – passes through these pipes, an extraordinary music is heard, similar to the great pipe organs in the cathedrals.

A human being thus emits in space sounds that can be heard and picked up by other beings. Obviously, if this vital energy is not equitably distributed in all the organs of the body, or if it is blocked, a terrible cacophony will result. But I am not really talking about the physical plane. It is mostly on the psychic plane that it is important for man to succeed in organizing, purifying and enlightening his life, for all his organs will then emit harmonious sounds; it will be such a symphony that angels and archangels will draw near to listen and be filled with wonder.

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