A Worldwide Divine Government from His Holiness Patriarch Elijah of Jerusalem

Posted by on 4 April 2014

Money and possessions have always been a cause of division and confrontation for human beings. Just look at what happens in families, at the many dramas resulting from problems of inheritance. Greed and lust are the cause of permanent conflict not only in families, but in society and in countries. Yes indeed, the desire always to have more lies at the heart of any war. Whatever the motives people attribute to a war – and these are often very noble – the true motive is always to go and take something from the neighbour, be it money or land. If only people could be less self-interested, more generous, so many conflicts would be avoided.

There is nothing wrong with wanting possessions, but this should not be at the detriment of others. And those who are rich should not keep everything for themselves; they should learn to redistribute this wealth. No being is richer than the Lord and his best representative on earth is the sun. The sun is so rich he overflows and he must distribute his riches so as to avoid exploding. Why not do like the sun? If not with material wealth, which you may well not have, then with spiritual riches.

His Holiness Patriarch Elijah of Jerusalem is working these days on prayer and spiritually with Pope Francis Bergoglio, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople and with all Leaders of the Earth for a real change, for a divine worldwide humanitarian government.

God is working behind the scenes for you, He is opening the door of opportunity that no man can shut, He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart.

May our Lord bless you all mightily.

His Holiness Patriarch Elijah in Jerusalem

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Photo: His Holiness Patriarch Elijah of Jerusalem (Secular name Prof. Giuseppe Savazzi) with the G8 Heads of State and Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II.

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