You are all King and Queens
The problem of social inequality will never be understood correctly or resolved until humans accept that their conditions in this incarnation depend on the way they lived in their past incarnations. Workers who are exploited by unscrupulous bosses protest indignantly. ‘Why this injustice?’ they ask. And the bosses themselves, who consider it normal to live a life of ease, of luxury even, do everything they can to preserve their privileges. But what neither the bosses nor the workers know is that a worker who suffers and protests has, in many cases, been a cruel, unjust boss in the past, which is why in this incarnation they have been placed in conditions where they must understand how they made their former subordinates suffer.
So now, every boss and company director must say to themselves: ‘I am fortunate enough to be rich and powerful in this life, but if I treat my workers and employees unjustly I will suffer the consequences in a future life. Lord, help me to make them happier.’ And there’s nothing to prevent employees from praying for their boss to become more enlightened: perhaps they would derive some benefit from doing so.
It goes without saying that “He hast made us unto our God kings and Queens: and we shall reign on the earth.”, so the Lord says in Revelations 5:10
His Holiness Great Sultan Patriarch Elijah of Jerusalem